Someone asked me once how I wrote - did I write everything in longhand and then type it into the computer; did I have a special place to write; did I keep to a special routine... The question about where recalled something I once read about the author Roald Dahl. According to this particular biographer, Roald Dahl wrote in a garden shed at the bottom of his garden, a blanket around his shoulders and a board on his knees to act as a kind of a table. It probably follows that he wrote everything in longhand. I do not have a garden shed, at least, not a garden shed that lends itself to writing much less sitting. I have a computer in the back of what actually is the garage. The blanket sounds very romantic, but I have opted for a small heater instead and, in the summer, a fan. My cat - call her my co-writer if you like - sits on a cushion on a chair next to my elbow. She has been part of the book right from the start; I doubt that it would ever been completed without her unwavering consistency.